effect of stripping ratio in coal mining

effect of stripping ratio in coal mining

Stripping Ratios: What are They and Why are They

A strip ratio, or stripping ratio, is an important measurement related to the open-pit mining process. It represents the amount of waste material, also known as

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Research on the mining method and stripping ratio of

The stripping ratio formula of thin coal seam has been deduced, and the optimum ratio of rock height to coal height has been determined, the requirement

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effect of stripping ratio in coal mining

effect of stripping ratio in coal mining Solution for. Aug 31, 2012 Switch to underground mining if your stripping ratio is more than BESR. Environmental impact of the coal industry Wikipedia, the free This process is known as acid rock drainage or acid mine drainage.

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stripping ratio in coal mining - tablesandthyme.co.za

Stripping Ratio Coal Mining Comp - montagetapes.nl. Stripping Ratio Coal Mining Comp. The units for stripping ratios can vary and usually depends on the geological properties of the deposit and the commodity mined It can be expressed in tonnes t or cubic meters m 3Usually for coal cubic meters m 3 or tonnes t are usedHowever for hard rock mines where the geology is

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Ministry of Coal, GOI

Standard stripping ratio - the ratio of “overbudern (OB) to be removed” to “the mineral to be produced” during the whole project life. Suppose in an opencast mine, 20 lakh CuM OB will be removed during the life time (suppose 15 years) against the production of 10 lakh Te of coal, the standard stripping ratio will be 2.1

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Stripping ratio and pit limit - Basic Mining Techniques

2017-7-26 · The units for stripping ratios can vary and usually depends on the geological properties of the deposit and the commodity mined. It can be expressed in tonnes (t), or cubic meters (m 3).Usually for coal, cubic meters (m 3) or tonnes (t) are used.However, for hard rock mines where the geology is usually complex with the presence of various rock types, tonnage

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Determining Stripping Ratio ~ Basic Mining Techniques

2016-4-4 · The maximum allowable Stripping Ratio (SR max) defines break even stripping ratio (BESR).This represents the highest possible units of waste that can be handled. If the SR exceeds the BESR then the operation will be

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3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) | ABC

3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam. You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max , also called break-even stripping ratio , is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at the ...

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Whats the average stripping ratio of open pit mines

2016-8-31 · Hardrock would be in the region of 12t:1t but when Platinum was booming we say SR as high as 20:1. There cannot be a specific average stripping ratio of

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(PDF) Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade ...

Stripping Ratios, Pit Limits & Cutoff Grade Optimization. F. Barcelonistas. Download Download PDF. Full PDF Package Download Full PDF Package. This Paper. ... Optimal production scale of open pit mining operations with uncertain metal supply

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Research on the mining method and stripping ratio of

The stripping ratio formula of thin coal seam has been deduced, and the optimum ratio of rock height to coal height has been determined, the requirement

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Stripping ratio and pit limit - Basic Mining Techniques

2017-7-26 · The units for stripping ratios can vary and usually depends on the geological properties of the deposit and the commodity mined. It can be expressed in tonnes (t), or cubic meters (m 3).Usually for coal, cubic meters (m 3) or tonnes (t) are used.However, for hard rock mines where the geology is usually complex with the presence of various rock types, tonnage

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stripping ratio | mining | Britannica

Other articles where stripping ratio is discussed: coal mining: Choosing a mining method: calculated with the aid of stripping ratios, which represent the amount of waste material that must be removed to extract a given amount of coal. Stripping ratios can also consider the selling price of coal, and a certain minimum profit can be added to the total cost of producing and

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Coal Ratio - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

With increasing overburden to coal ratio, the cost of removal of overburden (known as stripping cost) adds considerably to the cost of mining the coal beyond economic limit. To develop a mine, the break even stripping ratio (at the surface of the final pit) must be established. It

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Strip Mining - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

Andrew P. Schissler, in Encyclopedia of Energy, 2004 2.3 Strip Mining. Strip mining is employed in coal reserves where the overburden is removed in rectangular blocks in plan view called pits or strips. The pits are parallel and adjacent to each other. Strip mining is fundamentally different from contour or area mining on how the overburden is displaced, called spoil handling.

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2011-3-26 · The ratio of overburden excavated to the amount of mineral removed is called the stripping ratio. For example a stripping ratio of 4:1 means that 4 tonnes of waste rock are removed to extract one tonne of ore. Lower the ratio, the more productive the mine. Stripping ratio varies with the area under mining. According to the data generated by

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3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) | ABC

3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam. You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max , also called break-even stripping ratio , is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at the ...

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Whats the average stripping ratio of open pit mines

2016-8-31 · Hardrock would be in the region of 12t:1t but when Platinum was booming we say SR as high as 20:1. There cannot be a specific average stripping ratio of

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effect of russia in coal mining - BINQ Mining

2013-2-12 · Effect Of Stripping Ratio In Coal Mining – Gold Ore Crusher. Effect Of Stripping Ratio In Coal Mining. for example Russia, Canada, UK, South Africa, Zimbabwe, Australia, Germany, Ghana, USA, Philippines, »More detailed

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Stockpiling of Coal Mine Soils

2020-3-19 · Stockpiling of Coal Mine Soils . 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coal extraction with open cast methods is extremely destructive to the existing soil profile and the process of stripping and stockpiling often leads to problems with rehabilitation, so that only grazing capacity is possible on the rehabilitated soils.

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Coal Ratio - an overview | ScienceDirect Topics

With increasing overburden to coal ratio, the cost of removal of overburden (known as stripping cost) adds considerably to the cost of mining the coal beyond economic limit. To develop a mine, the break even stripping ratio (at the surface of the final pit) must be established. It

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stripping ratio | mining | Britannica

Other articles where stripping ratio is discussed: coal mining: Choosing a mining method: calculated with the aid of stripping ratios, which represent the amount of waste material that must be removed to extract a given amount of coal. Stripping ratios can also consider the selling price of coal, and a certain minimum profit can be added to the total cost of producing and

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Whats the average stripping ratio of open pit mines

2016-8-31 · Even if there was an average of ALL open pit mines that would not offer any knowledge regarding open pit mining. The stripping ratio in

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Factors affecting stripping ratio open cast mining

Factors affecting stripping ratio open cast mining Products. As a leading global manufacturer of crushing, grinding and mining equipments, we offer advanced, reasonable solutions for any size-reduction requirements including, Factors affecting stripping ratio open cast mining, quarry, aggregate, and different kinds of minerals.

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Rational economic stripping ratios: International Journal ...

2008-4-2 · ABSTRACT: The economic stripping ratio used to define an economic mining block in an open pit coal mining situation is rationalised by considering the time value of money, and defining run of mine recovery and mining cost as dynamic variables dictated by the thicknesses, depths and number of seams within a mining block.

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3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) | ABC

3.2.6: Maximum Allowable Stripping Ratio (SRmax) Earlier in this lesson, we looked at the maximum stripping ratio, and we did it for coal seam. You will recall that the maximum allowable stripping ratio, SR max , also called break-even stripping ratio , is the maximum amount of overburden/waste that can be extracted per unit of ore at the ...

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what is stripping ratio coal mining

Mining 101. Aug 30 2012 0183 32 The economic viability of a surface mining project calculated through the mining ratio is highly mine and coal reserve dependent Site-specific factors such as overburden type and depth excavation costs coal value and overburden haulage distances and costs are all considered in the development of stripping ratios for a particular mine site...

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Environment Impact Assessment of Coal Mining

2013-11-13 · Environment Impact Assessment of Coal Mining Dhruv Katoria1, Dhruv Sehgal2 and Sameer Kumar3 ... Overburden generation is denoted by stripping ratio which is the ratio of overburden that needs to be removed to the amount of ore removed. Low ... Noise and vibration - Cumulative effect of mining activities produces considerable noise like ...

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Negative Effects of Coal Mining - The World Counts

The negative effects of coal mining cannot be disputed: Destruction of Landscapes and Habitats: Strip mining also known as surface mining, involves the stripping away of earth and rocks to reach the coal underneath. If a mountain happens to be standing in the way of a coal seam within, it will be blasted or levelled - effectively leaving a ...

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Stockpiling of Coal Mine Soils

2020-3-19 · Stockpiling of Coal Mine Soils . 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Coal extraction with open cast methods is extremely destructive to the existing soil profile and the process of stripping and stockpiling often leads to problems with rehabilitation, so that only grazing capacity is possible on the rehabilitated soils.

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